What follows was written some six or seven months ago. Having come across it today, it is still current, it is still relevant, it is still Scriptural, and it is still true.
This will probably seem obvious to some, but in light of some of what has been written regarding the recently vetoed Arizona bill that would allow people to stand by their faith without fear of government reprisal, I think it needs to be said:
Those who seek, for whatever motives, using whatever means, speaking whatever words, by whatever methods, to silence someone who is speaking truth, are not walking in truth, but standing against it.
In the Hebrew Scriptures certain physical relations were commanded against, and no matter the efforts to which they go, the practitioners of those relations can find no passage anywhere in the Christian Scriptures where Jesus said that those relations were not a violation of the commands of God.
No one who insistently clings to and practices what God has commanded against can fail to be in open rebellion against God.
How, then, is it that some these days claim to be walking in faith with Jesus Christ, God the Son, even as they openly and insistently practice what the commands of God say is deserving of death (in other words, deserving of hell)?
Scripture tells us that we shall know them by the living of their lives, not by the spouting of their lips.
Those people, therefore, cannot be what they claim. They are liars, and no liar shall see the Kingdom of God.
Even though they seek, by whatever means, to shout you down, you must strive to call them to repentance.