Sunday, November 30, 2014
Attitudes and Consequences
Mike Humphrys and William Maddock speak about Attitudes and Consequences in this Chat that talks about the fact that how you treat people is a symptom that has consequences.
New Hymn, "By Grace of God"
The hymn for today is the song of the Apostle, bringing good news to those who will repent.
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Saturday, November 29, 2014
New Hymn, "From the Night I Come"
The hymn for today recounts a turning from sin to life.
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I Have Been
Some mornings interesting things happen to me. This morning, I was struggling with my hopes, wishes and dreams, being argumentative in my spirit; not wanting to offend my Lord, but needing to bare my soul regarding certain things of which He bears full knowledge. During this skirmish I started to become depressed, and began to no longer see the hope for which He came. It was during this bout of depression that the poem you see below came to me, and I thought that I should share it.
Have Been
this I have come into the world”
John 18:37
the halls of ostentation
the palaces of the poor;
have seen the mighty fortress
the sin of those who soar.
their nose their gazes bore;
have seen the anguished pleading,
hearts with open sores.
have felt the nails arrogant—
my palms and heels they bore;
have felt the pain and anguish
the generous and pure.
my heart goes out before them
the King of all that’s sure,
He know their awful suff’ring
a melody so pure!
they nail me to Mount Calv’ry
look down and see the shore
the river of salvation
from me, flush and sure!
this suffering I came here,
to open up the door
a right and true relation
the King of all that’s pure!
William F. Maddock
Friday, November 28, 2014
New Hymn, "To the Land of Israel"
The hymn for today reasons out a celebration for salvation.
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Thursday, November 27, 2014
New Hymn, "In Faith"
The hymn for today is an anthem of faithful thanksgiving.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Welcome, Doctor Egan!
I am pleased to announce the addition, to our writing and administrative groups, of Dr. Scott Egan. Scott is a 34 year army veteran, including time in Delta Force and Special Ops.
In addition to doing his patriotic duty, he has three Masters Degrees, and a PhD in Clinical Microbiology from Washington University in St. Louis.
Welcome aboard, Scott!
In addition to doing his patriotic duty, he has three Masters Degrees, and a PhD in Clinical Microbiology from Washington University in St. Louis.
Welcome aboard, Scott!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
New Hymn, "Speak to Me"
The hymn for today is an expression of the gauntlet being thrown down before Job by God, but updated to the modern, atheistic, delusional pseudoscientist:
Speak to Me of future,
Speak to Me of past,
Speak to Me of everything
That has been made, compassed;
Speak to Me of structures fine
That eyes may never see,
Speak to Me of elegance
And of Divine beauty!
Speak to Me of sunsets,
How they came to be
Messengers to human hearts
That speak to them of Me;
Speak to Me of butterflies
And how they come to be,
Tell Me every detail since
You claim that you can see!
Speak to Me of Saturn,
It's reason to be,
Tell Me of this guardian
Of human history;
With an exclamation point
It reigns within the sky,
Confounding the selfish pride
Of every human eye!
Tell Me of the tinies
No man's eye can see
That bring life and pestilence
To every man from Me;
Tell Me how they motilate
From sea to shining sea,
How no life could e'er survive
If they should never be!
Tell Me how existence
Makes itself for thee,
Tell me how it comes to be
With nary need of Me;
Tell Me what creates all things
That all have come to be,
Tell Me without fantasy
Or anything of Me!
I AM thy Creator,
Sovereign Jesus Christ,
I, the One who covers sin,
Full paying every price;
I, the One who spoke the Word
And all things came to be,
I, the One who gave His life
For thee on Calvary!
©2014 William F. Maddock
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Speak to Me of future,
Speak to Me of past,
Speak to Me of everything
That has been made, compassed;
Speak to Me of structures fine
That eyes may never see,
Speak to Me of elegance
And of Divine beauty!
Speak to Me of sunsets,
How they came to be
Messengers to human hearts
That speak to them of Me;
Speak to Me of butterflies
And how they come to be,
Tell Me every detail since
You claim that you can see!
Speak to Me of Saturn,
It's reason to be,
Tell Me of this guardian
Of human history;
With an exclamation point
It reigns within the sky,
Confounding the selfish pride
Of every human eye!
Tell Me of the tinies
No man's eye can see
That bring life and pestilence
To every man from Me;
Tell Me how they motilate
From sea to shining sea,
How no life could e'er survive
If they should never be!
Tell Me how existence
Makes itself for thee,
Tell me how it comes to be
With nary need of Me;
Tell Me what creates all things
That all have come to be,
Tell Me without fantasy
Or anything of Me!
I AM thy Creator,
Sovereign Jesus Christ,
I, the One who covers sin,
Full paying every price;
I, the One who spoke the Word
And all things came to be,
I, the One who gave His life
For thee on Calvary!
©2014 William F. Maddock
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Monday, November 24, 2014
New Hymn, "Take Me to Jesus"
The hymn for today expresses the desire to see and to know Christ.
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An Important Show to Watch!
The Here's Help Show on Channel 24 at 7:30 this morning and Friday at noon is a must see, "The Soul of Ferguson"
Sunday, November 23, 2014
New Hymn, "Aymone Pater!"
The hymn for today is a prayer for forgiveness.
For those wondering about the title, it is Greek that I have spelled phonetically in English characters, as well as reversing the order so that it would rhyme. I also think it makes for a better title. Comments are welcome, as always.
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For those wondering about the title, it is Greek that I have spelled phonetically in English characters, as well as reversing the order so that it would rhyme. I also think it makes for a better title. Comments are welcome, as always.
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Saturday, November 22, 2014
New Hymn, "Savior Jesus"
The hymn for today is a salvation celebration!
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Friday, November 21, 2014
Happy Anniversary!
Just a little shout out to an old friend of mine, whose sweet friendship saved me from thoughts of suicide all those years ago:
Happy Anniversary, Karen Geary!
May all the joy of heaven be yours!
Happy Anniversary, Karen Geary!
May all the joy of heaven be yours!
New Hymn, "When I Call Upon You, Lord"
The hymn for today shares times to praise.
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Thursday, November 20, 2014
New Hymn, "The Rock of All Ages"
The hymn for today is the song of the disciple on his way to the cross.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014
New Hymn, "Lift Me Up"
The hymn for today is a crying out to God for His faithfulness, His
mercy, His kindness, His Love; but if you want to discover the hymn's
secret, study the Hebrew Chiasm.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
New Gadget
To the right, you should notice a new gadget that we have just added.
Right now the map might look woefully sparse, or even empty. Hopefully, though, that will be changing with time.
Currently, we have had over 600 page views from 5 continents and just about a dozen countries. The map just doesn't know that, yet.
So, let's get those dots popping up, folks! Send your brothers and sisters in Christ, and your other friends, as well.
All are welcome, and moderated comments are available, of course.
Right now the map might look woefully sparse, or even empty. Hopefully, though, that will be changing with time.
Currently, we have had over 600 page views from 5 continents and just about a dozen countries. The map just doesn't know that, yet.
So, let's get those dots popping up, folks! Send your brothers and sisters in Christ, and your other friends, as well.
All are welcome, and moderated comments are available, of course.
New Hymn, "On the Cross"
If this hymn does not convict you, you are not paying attention. The hymn for today speaks of Christ's demonstration of God's Love—which we are also to demonstrate—to each of us.
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Monday, November 17, 2014
New Hymn, "Unto Us"
The hymn for today speaks of the service of Jesus Christ, both in the
light of, say, a tea service, and in the light of His mission to
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Sunday, November 16, 2014
New Hymn, "The Entrance to the Cross"
The hymn for today speaks of the only true path to heaven.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014
New Hymn, "The Wisdom of the Word"
The hymn for today speaks of the pursuit of genuine wisdom, and that wisdom is the Word, and the Word is Jesus Christ.
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Friday, November 14, 2014
New Hymn, "By the Grace of Christ the King"
The hymn for today is a point/counterpoint on the question of how to live a righteous life.
the Grace of Christ the King
under heaven’s crown
a fearful thing,
the hand of God is found,
in every scene!
Refrain: By
the grace of Christ the King
have been redeemed!
has taken all my sin
brought me to my knees!
e’er could a person stand,
they are seen
day in every way
the Living King?
a person e’er be right
Creator’s eyes,
we live as we devise,
we are wise?
then, shall I look to Him,
out His way
I rest my feet in His
and every day?
I find Him, on the cross,
there for me!
has taken up my cost
has set me free!
William F. Maddock
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Thursday, November 13, 2014
New Hymn, "Come Along, Jesus"
The hymn for today is an illustration of the transformation of salvation.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014
900!!! New Hymn, "When Heaven Calls!"
That's right! If my estimates are correct, the hymn for today is my 900th hymn!
The hymn for today is a march of praise for the persecuted church.
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The hymn for today is a march of praise for the persecuted church.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014
New Hymn, "Slowly, Sweetly"
Containing, in the second stanza, disguised in a play on words, a
literary hint to the orchestrator, the hymn for today pours out the
emotion from a soul being saved, and, it strikes me, might well double
as a wedding march.
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Or the Large Print Version
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Or the Large Print Version
Monday, November 10, 2014
"Earning" Salvation, or "Deserving a Gift"
A man who lives in out-state New York, asked a question regarding salvation:
Why ask for something not deserved, if you have the will and ability to deserve?This is how I replied:
You cannot deserve a gift. If you earn it, it's not a gift, but payment for services rendered, and if it is a gift, then you have not earned it, and don't deserve it.Comments are welcome, of course.
Ponder the 10 commandments for a bit, because they are examples regarding obedience to God's Law, which is summed up as "You must self-sacrificingly love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and you must self-sacrificingly love your neighbor, even as though they were yourself." So, anytime you do anything (anything at all) purely for yourself, that is a violation of that Law, and, if you take the 10th commandment seriously, then even just wanting to do so is also a violation of God's Law. Any single violation disqualifies you from earning salvation. Everyone who is not God violates God's law all throughout their lives ("for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"). Add to this the fact that God is the provider of salvation and not a recipient, making it clear that, since salvation is already intrinsic to Him, even God does not earn salvation (since He has no need to, already being in possession of it), and it should be clear that no one at all earns salvation.
Salvation is a free gift, given to all who believe Jesus Christ. Paul puts it rather succinctly in his letter to the Romans, "If you profess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." So, it's not even a matter of asking; if you believe that Jesus is the Lord and Creator of all, and speak that out, you've already got salvation, asked for or not.
New Hymn, "Though I Suffer"
In those times when you suffer the attacks of the profligate, and even your own conscience berates you, know this: “My Redeemer lives!” and “Your iniquity is taken away and your sin forgiven!” Let these Old Testament truths stand against those who wish sin to be blessed as good and honorable things, as you stand with the Truth of Heaven, Jesus Christ!
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Sunday, November 9, 2014
New Hymn, "Movin' On"
Reminiscent of Dvořák, the hymn for today is a rendering of the essence of the closing of Paul's second letter to Timothy, his child in the faith.
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
New Hymn, "My Savior Lives!"
The hymn for today is a shout of victory in Jesus Christ.
E’en now, in my trials,
My Savior speaks up in heaven!
He testifies upon the throne
To guard the souls of all His own,
For there He reigns upon the throne!
My Savior Lives! My Savior Lives!
In fountains of glory
And flowing streams of His mercy
My Savior gives His very life
Upon the tree of Calvary
To rescue me eternally!
So, as He gives, My Savior Lives!
For, as the sun rises
It calls to me His victory
Over the grave! He blasted free
From out the tomb of Calvary!
He’s risen free for all to see!
So, now He Lives! My Savior Lives!
So, now, my voice rises
In victory for all to see!
There is no throne but that He owns
And gives to me the victory!
O’er death itself the victory!
My Savior Lives! My Savior Lives!
©2014 William F. Maddock
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E’en now, in my trials,
My Savior speaks up in heaven!
He testifies upon the throne
To guard the souls of all His own,
For there He reigns upon the throne!
My Savior Lives! My Savior Lives!
In fountains of glory
And flowing streams of His mercy
My Savior gives His very life
Upon the tree of Calvary
To rescue me eternally!
So, as He gives, My Savior Lives!
For, as the sun rises
It calls to me His victory
Over the grave! He blasted free
From out the tomb of Calvary!
He’s risen free for all to see!
So, now He Lives! My Savior Lives!
So, now, my voice rises
In victory for all to see!
There is no throne but that He owns
And gives to me the victory!
O’er death itself the victory!
My Savior Lives! My Savior Lives!
©2014 William F. Maddock
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Friday, November 7, 2014
New Hymn, "King of Forever"
The hymn for today marks out the pathway of salvation in my life.
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Thursday, November 6, 2014
Sweet history
Pastor Chris Rice from NLEC found this sweet piece of broadcast history in a basement at NLEC and is using it for some spots on our station KNLC DT 24.1. Gotta love it!! would I love to get a hold of it for making podcasts!!
Here's a link to the instruction manual for the Mic...
Here's a link to the instruction manual for the Mic...
New Hymn, "Lord of Creation"
The hymn for today marks out the pathway of salvation, which leads to
the foot of the cross. If you have not pondered it from that
perspective, I beg you to do so now.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
New Hymn, "In the Garden of the King"
The hymn for today is about the sinner, saved by grace, who, fleeing the
justice of the King, runs straight into His compassionate arms.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Voting Day
is election day, and, as usual these last years, I am not registered
to vote, and I have no plans to register to vote, so long as I am
living in the City of St. Louis, because, for me, voting in this
city’s elections would be a colossal waste of time.
has been well said that doing the same thing over and over and over
again and expecting different results is the very picture of
insanity. The people of this city are constantly complaining about
their leadership, and yet, unswervingly, unfailingly, and constantly
insist upon voting in nothing but Democrats, who espouse a party
platform that glorifies sin, perversion, and infanticide, and then
the people of
this city expect things to change—even
as they absolutely refuse to change the party for which they vote.
If the people want me to vote in this city's elections, then they need to start by first throwing the Democrats here completely out of power. Once that is accomplished, then we can talk.
Not before.
New Hymn, "A Cavern of the Sheep"
The hymn for today is a carol of the King!
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Into a cavern of the sheep
I have seen our salvation sweep!
In a baby wrapped in birth rags
I have seen the King!
Laying within that manger scene
I have seen coming our great King,
With His mercy in salvation,
Come to make us clean!
Come rejoicing before our King
Into this quiet manger scene!
Bring your faith in heaven blessing
Us by our True King!
There, in Jesus, salvation rests,
That His children be heaven blessed!
By the coming of salvation
We are heaven blessed!
Seek, ye, now, heaven's Savior King,
Now I have told you of the scene,
There outside King David's city,
Lowly Bethlehem!
Do you not hear the angels sing
At the coming of our great King
With the Feast of Tabernacles?
Jesus Christ, the King!
"I will tabernacle with you
And My Spirit won't abhor you."
"My King, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
I shall bring through you!"
"Unto us is a baby born!"
"To the virgin a son is born"
With the name, "Yahweh's Salvation!"
Jesus Christ is born!
Lift your voice to the Savior King
And listen to salvation ring!
Bring the angels down from heaven
To announce the King!
Let ye not my appearance fright
On this most glorious of nights
But bring ye to the cavern of
Jesus Christ, the King!
©William F. Maddock
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Into a cavern of the sheep
I have seen our salvation sweep!
In a baby wrapped in birth rags
I have seen the King!
Laying within that manger scene
I have seen coming our great King,
With His mercy in salvation,
Come to make us clean!
Come rejoicing before our King
Into this quiet manger scene!
Bring your faith in heaven blessing
Us by our True King!
There, in Jesus, salvation rests,
That His children be heaven blessed!
By the coming of salvation
We are heaven blessed!
Seek, ye, now, heaven's Savior King,
Now I have told you of the scene,
There outside King David's city,
Lowly Bethlehem!
Do you not hear the angels sing
At the coming of our great King
With the Feast of Tabernacles?
Jesus Christ, the King!
"I will tabernacle with you
And My Spirit won't abhor you."
"My King, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
I shall bring through you!"
"Unto us is a baby born!"
"To the virgin a son is born"
With the name, "Yahweh's Salvation!"
Jesus Christ is born!
Lift your voice to the Savior King
And listen to salvation ring!
Bring the angels down from heaven
To announce the King!
Let ye not my appearance fright
On this most glorious of nights
But bring ye to the cavern of
Jesus Christ, the King!
©William F. Maddock
Monday, November 3, 2014
New Hymn, "To the Cross!"
The hymn for today is a prayer for peace in times of wrath.
Hear me, almighty God!
Shower me in Your peace!
Wash me clean from all rebellion!
Grant me your sure release!
Shield me beneath Your wings!
Into my suff'ring sing
Divine grace and all Your mercy;
Shower me in Your peace!
When the unrighteous rail,
Almighty God, be hale!
Let no sting from their afflictions
Turn me unto despair!
Flash that almighty sword
Of the undying Word
Deep into their sore rebellion!
Oh, let my prayer be heard!
Let not my day see dark
Rages within my heart!
Let all sin flee from within me,
Gathered unto Thy cross
Where Jesus paid my cost!
Let not His blood be lost!
But undo me and renew me,
Gathered unto Thy cross!
Praise the almighty King,
Master of everything;
Pain and suff'ring shall not e'er sing
Over me at the cross,
For heaven's sacrifice,
Our Savior, Jesus Christ
Has released me from my sin and
Gathered me to the cross!
©2014 William F. Maddock
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Hear me, almighty God!
Shower me in Your peace!
Wash me clean from all rebellion!
Grant me your sure release!
Shield me beneath Your wings!
Into my suff'ring sing
Divine grace and all Your mercy;
Shower me in Your peace!
When the unrighteous rail,
Almighty God, be hale!
Let no sting from their afflictions
Turn me unto despair!
Flash that almighty sword
Of the undying Word
Deep into their sore rebellion!
Oh, let my prayer be heard!
Let not my day see dark
Rages within my heart!
Let all sin flee from within me,
Gathered unto Thy cross
Where Jesus paid my cost!
Let not His blood be lost!
But undo me and renew me,
Gathered unto Thy cross!
Praise the almighty King,
Master of everything;
Pain and suff'ring shall not e'er sing
Over me at the cross,
For heaven's sacrifice,
Our Savior, Jesus Christ
Has released me from my sin and
Gathered me to the cross!
©2014 William F. Maddock
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Sunday, November 2, 2014
The Cavern and the Bulb
Is God hiding from us, or has He made His presence obvious?
A Chat, with Mike Humphrys, on matters of design.
Listen on Podomatic and comment here.
A Chat, with Mike Humphrys, on matters of design.
Listen on Podomatic and comment here.
New Hymn, "We, in the Lord, are Won!"
The hymn for today is a call to seek after the Lord and be saved.
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Saturday, November 1, 2014
Christian Judgment
At the link below, you will find a paper (in a booklet-like format) that was assigned to me by the then President of International Theological Education Ministries. After turning it in to him, he approved it. I hope that it helps you in your own struggles.
Christian Judgment PDF file
Christian Judgment PDF file
Truth Claims
What follows was written some six or seven months ago. Having come across it today, it is still current, it is still relevant, it is still Scriptural, and it is still true.
This will probably seem obvious to some, but in light of some of what has been written regarding the recently vetoed Arizona bill that would allow people to stand by their faith without fear of government reprisal, I think it needs to be said:
Those who seek, for whatever motives, using whatever means, speaking whatever words, by whatever methods, to silence someone who is speaking truth, are not walking in truth, but standing against it.
In the Hebrew Scriptures certain physical relations were commanded against, and no matter the efforts to which they go, the practitioners of those relations can find no passage anywhere in the Christian Scriptures where Jesus said that those relations were not a violation of the commands of God.
No one who insistently clings to and practices what God has commanded against can fail to be in open rebellion against God.
How, then, is it that some these days claim to be walking in faith with Jesus Christ, God the Son, even as they openly and insistently practice what the commands of God say is deserving of death (in other words, deserving of hell)?
Scripture tells us that we shall know them by the living of their lives, not by the spouting of their lips.
Those people, therefore, cannot be what they claim. They are liars, and no liar shall see the Kingdom of God.
Even though they seek, by whatever means, to shout you down, you must strive to call them to repentance.
This will probably seem obvious to some, but in light of some of what has been written regarding the recently vetoed Arizona bill that would allow people to stand by their faith without fear of government reprisal, I think it needs to be said:
Those who seek, for whatever motives, using whatever means, speaking whatever words, by whatever methods, to silence someone who is speaking truth, are not walking in truth, but standing against it.
In the Hebrew Scriptures certain physical relations were commanded against, and no matter the efforts to which they go, the practitioners of those relations can find no passage anywhere in the Christian Scriptures where Jesus said that those relations were not a violation of the commands of God.
No one who insistently clings to and practices what God has commanded against can fail to be in open rebellion against God.
How, then, is it that some these days claim to be walking in faith with Jesus Christ, God the Son, even as they openly and insistently practice what the commands of God say is deserving of death (in other words, deserving of hell)?
Scripture tells us that we shall know them by the living of their lives, not by the spouting of their lips.
Those people, therefore, cannot be what they claim. They are liars, and no liar shall see the Kingdom of God.
Even though they seek, by whatever means, to shout you down, you must strive to call them to repentance.
New Hymn, "King of Heaven!"
the Lord, King of heaven!
our Lord God on high!
your voices unto Him!
Him with all your might!
the trumpets before Him!
the cymbals alight,
thunder around Him
brings day out of night!
your praises to Jesus,
and Lord of the cross,
came, faithful, from heaven
to free from cost!
out His precious blood
our rebellion,
has cast our sin from us!
redemption is won!
with Jesus in heaven,
shall share in His joy;
in His persecution,
shall share in His joy!
ye, out all your praises
the Lord of your life
is faithfully turning
we, into Light!
the thundering tymp’ni!
the brass o’er the sky
His palace in heaven,
tears from your eye!
the joy of the Savior!
it run through your veins,
you unto heaven
Christ, the only Way!
William F. Maddock
the face of wicked, evil, vicious persecution for your faith in Jesus
Christ, the Lord God of all that begins to exist, let this be your
military march of joyful praise!
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