is God? Have you ever considered that question?
It is a pondering that the Christian
should take part in, you know.
are those who question even the very existence of God. You see, when
they do that they feel as if they have no need, then, to ponder who
God is. That, though, is a failed philosophy, contradicted not just
by even the very most basic evidence of science, but by the
unalterable axioms of logic. Twist their minds however they might
into the lurid pretzel bends of lunatic wonderland, the axioms of
genuine logic, of true, clear, sober-minded thinking, still stand
unaltered, mocking their claims of wisdom. They are fools who believe
that their own personal preferences trump the realities all around
fact that anything is demands that God is.
can mock and laugh and ridicule and scorn all they like, but Truth
stands while lies all around it collapse under the weight of their
own inestimable vacuities.
is, and that cannot be honestly denied.
though, is God?
we ask that question, we are not looking for a name—at least not in
the modern sense in which names are regarded. No, if we do so, we do
so in the ancient Hebrew sense; the sense in which Moses explained to
God why he was asking God for His name, to which God, in so many
words, graciously replied, “I am the self-existent one. Tell
them ‘I Am has sent me to
you.’” 1
In other words, we are
looking for the content of His character. Given
situation x, what will
the content of His character cause Him to do. And yet, even in just
considering such a question, we need to know who He is so that we can
sensibly define the bounds of the term, “situation”.
situation includes all that can be detected for which there are
discernible connections to a particular event or happenstance. What,
though, are the bounds? Are they defined by the level of our
awareness? In other words, detectable and discernible by whom?
myself as an example, when I am in a room with the door closed,
concentrating on my work, I will most likely be blissfully unaware of
what is happening on the other side of the door, much less further
afield. Does that, though, eliminate all other connections of which I
am totally unaware? Will Comet Deathfield fail to strike the heart of
my city, destroying all inhabitants and habitations simply because I
don’t know it’s coming?
then, do you account for the efficaciousness of stealth and surprise
in conflict encounters? As any good soldier can attest, the enemy’s
ignorance of your presence does not eliminate your presence, but
rather, makes it much more effective. In the same way, your ignorance
of the one you treat as an enemy does not eliminate His presence.
you would do better by seeking to detect Him while praying that He is
not actually an enemy at all, but the best friend you could ever hope
to have.
existence of God is required by logic as simple as the Law of
Non-contradiction. It is also an axiom of logic that in order to
create, one must first exist. In other words, that which does not
exist cannot create. This is true because if it does not exist it is
not there to do the deed, and cannot be the perpetrator of it, not
because it was not there, but because it was not anywhere.
This is where the Law of Non-contradiction comes into play regarding
the existence of God. A thing cannot both be and not be at the same
time and in the same sense.
has been scientifically proven, and atheistically confirmed, that the
universe began to exist. Therefore something, or someone, had to have
pre-existed the universe in order to have caused it to begin to
exist. Since the universe cannot be where it is not when it is not
how it is not, it cannot be its own cause, since that would violate
the Law of Non-contradiction.
you do not exist, then you cannot be held responsible for that which
if you have been holding to the philosophy that denies the existence
of God while at the very same time consistently displaying a hatred
or anger toward God, you had better get either a different culprit or
a different philosophy because the two do not keep the same company,
and you only make yourself out to be a fool when you try to force it
on them. Far better be it to correct yourself and appear wise, than
be corrected by others and proved a fool.
see, whether narrowly or broadly, only a limited subset of that which
is, while God sees all. He is omniscient, which means that He is
see the circumstances which surround us, but we do not see all of
them; we see only in part. Do you remember what I wrote earlier about
my own level of awareness? That is not a new occurrence. It has ever
been with me.
years ago, October 1977 to March 1988 I worked for a garment
manufacturer, Barad & Co., at their main warehouse at 1520
Washington in St. Louis, Missouri. In the early years of that
association I did not have a vehicle of my own, so I rode the bus. In
order to catch the bus home I had to walk from 1520 Washington down
to Locust St., east of 12th St., which, of course involved
crossing a section of 12th St. now known as Tucker Blvd.
day, on reaching 12th St., I decided to cross against the
light. Thirty years ago, I was in my youth and easily nimble enough
to do so and arrive safely at my goal, having done so many times
before. This time, though, I stepped down from the curb and a hand
grabbed me by my belt and pulled me back onto the curb. I wasn’t
even aware that person was alive, much less cared enough about me to
risk themselves on my most unworthy behalf.
in my atheism, God was protecting me from myself, and, this time,
used a tall, scrawny débutante named Katie to do so.
years before, humanity had already fallen into an irretrievable state
of wickedness that only God could solve. From our own limited
perspective the situation was hopeless. Should we even be aware of
God, the honest person knew then, and knows now, that they do not
deserve anything from God, save only death—death most eternal and
most foul. We deserved nothing from Him and could expect nothing from
Him—unless, of course, we knew God, and knew who God is.
is only the one honest enough to face their own purely satanic
wickedness who has any chance to really know God, and to know who God
is—because they have a true knowledge of themselves to serve as a
stark contrast.
from God we are rude, greedy, selfish, rebellious, overbearing
little dictatorial hooligans forever thumbing our noses at God and
all that He stands for. We are foul, wicked, filthy, perverted and
perverting, pulling up stakes that are not ours to pull, seeking
every trick we can muster in our obsession to lord it over the lives
of others whom we should be seeing as free, valuable individuals
capable of living their lives without our self-important,
self-interested, self-centered, self-focused, know-it-all
interference seeking to drive the undesirables away and out of our
because, after all, “if we don’t see them they’re not
really there at all!”
is the attitude of those who deny God.
you desire to know God you don’t have to cross oceans or national
borders or climb some high, distant mountain to achieve it. Just lift
the blanket on the corner and let your heart be broken as you look,
lovingly, into the eyes that you uncover. Then
open your own doors and let them inside!
you will do this, then you will
be acting as God has called
you to act.3
God about whom you inquire is not just distantly theological, but
deeply, deeply
personal, as well. He does not only expect you to know—He
expects you to do; He
expects you to feel.
You are not only to be delivered; you are to deliver.
unto others as you would have them do unto you4—and
stop treating them like so much useless cattle to be herded about
wherever your whims may please. They are not animals! They are not
vermin! They are people!
sent His Son; we call Him Jesus. But He did not send Him to the
wealthy, to the elites, to the rulers who lorded it over the
downtrodden. He sent Him to those very downtrodden who, to this very
day, get trampled under foot by those who have no heart to care or to
feel or to do or to deliver.
you do not identify with those downtrodden then you do not identify
with God and if you do not identify with God then you will not be
spending eternity with Him in His glory, but in hell with all the
rest who refuse to repent of all their foul, stenched perversions and
is God? God is the one who knows all and delivers all who will see
and who will come and who will deliver those who are in need in your
own town.
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7:12; Luke 6:31