Saturday, May 2, 2015

Who Done It

A favorite question of mystery stories the world over is “Who done it?” Who is the responsible party? Who caused this to come about?
In real life it is much the same. In whatever situation, people the world over want to know the culprit, or the cause. When the situation involves signs of intelligence, they want to know “who” did it.
It is a natural question, because part of our nature is to ascribe credit where credit is due, and blame where blame is due. Where there is a murder, or a robbery or a rape, etc. the public wants to know who did it so that the culprit can be apprehended, put away, and removed from being a danger to others. Where there is some seemingly miraculous achievement they want to know who accomplished it so that they can be acknowledged and admired.
It is natural for us to want to know what is going on, because in knowing what is going on we have a better chance of figuring things out, and if we can figure things out we can have some measure of control over our own part of the situation in which we find ourselves. We can react more appropriately if we know what is going on.
Yet “science”, for the last century or so, has been committing an unnatural act because in spite of the abundant evidence for the involvement of an involved intelligence burgeoning all around us, “science”, it would seem, does not want to know “who done it.”
Note, please, that, in that paragraph, I enclose the word “science” in quotes, and I do so because it is not genuine science that I am talking about. What I am talking about is a failed philosophy whose adherents actively ignore, and indeed, shout down the real evidence of real science, because their motivation is not to know the truth, but is to support their failed philosophy. They are very strident, ardent and emotional in their war against the truth, and the more the evidence piles up in favor of their self-sworn enemy, the more emotional they get in their reactions to it. I say self-sworn because they themselves are doing the swearing and not their enemy. Their enemy simply recounts the evidence, and it is that recounting that drives them absolutely wild.
It is much like the current controversy, in the United States, over the legitimacy of what is euphemistically called homosexual “marriage”, with homosexual activists around the nation fervently pursuing Christians in order to force them to participate in what those Christians see as celebrating sin.
All the while the homosexual activists try to portray themselves as victims of persecution at the hands of Christians, it is not the Christians who are actively seeking out and pursuing homosexuals in order to reject their rights. No. It is homosexuals pursuing the Christians in order to remove their basic human rights.
Here we have a classic case of wolves in sheep’s clothing trying to pass themselves off as the victims when, in fact they are the perpetrators of the persecutions that are being suffered today in the United States of America.
It is much like those who favor infanticide on demand, crying crocodile tears over the poor, unprotected women while claiming that the baby is part of the woman’s body, therefore subtly claiming that the real victim doesn’t even exist.
What is the common thread, here? The common thread is a sort of “Straw men are us” fest whose arguments are so weak and so delusional and so laughable that they are only worthy of scornful pity.
In all of these groups, the perpetrators ignore, suppress, and deny the evidence that is actual and at hand because they don’t want to know the truth. They don’t want to know “who done it.”
It truly is a pity to see someone despairing away their life because of the utter lack of hope in which their own world view has trapped them. They fail to see the escape because they refuse to admit that they need it.
It all goes straight back to the rhetorical question quoted in every masthead of this newsletter: “When a person has—whether they knew it or not—already rejected the Truth, by what means do they discern a lie?
They are so prideful and so self-absorbed that they cannot even conceive of needing to escape calamity. But calamity exists, my friend, and it is a thing that needs escaping.
Many of them go through life with all their educational degrees marleying around behind them, as though an inked piece of paper can confer the wisdom to see and the motivation to move.
Upon reading this, there are those who will want to ask, “But don’t you believe the Bible, and isn’t that what amounts to a whole lot of inked paper?” And to that question I can respond, “No. I don’t believe the Bible. I believe the One who wrote the Bible, and that it is He who can provide the wisdom to see and the motivation to move.
The people of whom I write are a pitiful bunch. All the while they are claiming and publicly proclaiming to be all that, they sit and languish in a trap of their own design, and, having so blinded themselves to the trap, they cannot conceive that there is a door that leads to a life of light and truth and mercy and grace and peace in the eternally loving and forgiving arms of the One whose very existence they, to this very day, still seek to deny and reject and defame and insult and slander and decry and to ridicule as a lie.
And do you know the most pitiful part of all?
The door stands open.
And it’s not that the door is simply unlocked, and cracked open a bit, or even that it’s off its hinges. No. In fact, the door isn’t even there, having been cast away in the wee, early hours of that brightest of Sunday mornings 2,000 years ago on a small hill in a tiny land at the eastern end of a small sea where the greatest event in all of history occurred.
It was there that the Designer and Creator of all things that have begun to be bowed down in order that His creation should murderously put Him to death. Is it not written, “It is for this purpose that I have come” 1? And why did He say He had come? To witness to the Truth.
But there was something even more momentous there. Indeed, it was a very thinly clothed warning, and claim, of what was shortly to come, “No one takes My life from Me; I lay it down of my own accord. I have the power to lay it aside, and I have the power to take it up again!” 2
And there you have it, ferried on the pinions of the King: the death and resurrection of the Savior of the world; the death, so that sin should be paid for, the resurrection, so that all mankind should know.
The door stands open.

Cast away with the stone
That brighting ancient day,
Heaven’s gates are open
Unto us today.
Jesus Christ has suffered
And has opened up the Way!

Thus we enter heaven:
By His grace on us each day.
Sin no longer conquers;
All our chains are gone away.
Jesus Christ has suffered
And has opened up the Way!

They shall never find it, who think they do not need it, nor shall they ever discover the truth about “Who done it!”

1John 18:37
2John 10:17-18