Wednesday, April 8, 2015

In the Midst!

Where is God amid the lies? Where is God amid the slanders that arise? Where is God when people invent all manner of foul accusations against you and foul your reputation in the world? Where is God when injustice reigns and evil and wickedness hold sway and you see no end where justice can sweep in and deliver the righteous from the furies of hell? Where is God when the perpetrator acts as accuser and is believed? When teachers of the Scripture shout down just protestations and accuse the victim instead of facing down their attackers who are the real source of evil in a situation, where is God? When good men die at evil hands, Where is God? When professional media believes—and publishes—blatant slanders rather than investigating and publishing the truth, where is God? When the defenseless are slaughtered in their tens of millions, the perpetrators calling it their right, and the black-robed elitist oligarchs that pass for government these days back them up rather than stand for the rights of the defenseless, where is God? When perversion’s militancy rears its ugly head and targets those who believe and have the courage to stand for what the Scripture says, seeking to have their right to participate in commerce removed and get them referred to as bigots and haters by those who specifically target them for their faith because they refuse to commit what they see as sin against God, and the “champions” of rights refuse to stand with them, where is God?
Beloved, I could go on and on with that series of questions and accusations, but at some point does it not turn into an attack upon God Himself? Truly, brethren, does it not?
Let us not stray into the realm of attacking God for the actions of those who are not God, as has so often been the case among our adversaries. Let us not fall into that pit of despair!
Blessed are the poor… the meek… the hungry… the thirsty… the persecuted…”i
Why? Do you not remember, precious? “For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!”ii The most gut-wrenching, convicting, soul-ripping sermon of all time begins with the beatitudes, calling down blessings upon those who are weakly, yet valiantly, trying to walk with Christ; upon those who know they have no right, because they are not right. Rather, they seek the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Certainly they cry out to God in times of injustice and terror and impending martyrdom, but they do so knowing the grace of God, and expecting His gracious reply.
Do you see the hymn attached to this post? Do you see the crying out and the wailing? Above all, do you see the reply? “When to the least of these you do, there am I! Out in the darkness, far from Light will you hide? Come unto Me all who labor, Weary, in need of rest! I am the fountain filled with Life! Come to me and be blessed!”
You cannot know the support of God until you are depending on God, as the last resort, as the final shield, as the last line of defense, as the long-awaited Champion on a white charger, coming to sweep you out of defeat and into victory at that very final moment before death would forever close your eyes. Without such an experience can you really and honestly claim to know His deliverance—when you have never really been delivered from anything by Him?
Can you?
When you have never been shocked by victory is it really honest to claim that you have been snatched from the jaws of defeat? Really?
Come now, beloved! Let us reason together! How can you proclaim victory if you have fought no battles? How can you be called a conqueror having fought no wars? If you claim to have won the battle on your own how do you know God was in it?
It is only when God fights the battle and wins the war that you get to see the power of God in your life, acting for you on your behalf so that you can know for a fact that you are His and His alone.
God sees the lies; He sees the slanders. He sees them and He knows them because He has went through them Himself. Do you not remember that it is written that they claimed that He drove out demons by the prince of demons? Do you not remember how they twisted His love of the downtrodden repentant into an accusation of a love for sin?
Whatever you do to the least of these you do unto Me!”iii Jesus is with you in all that you suffer. He has, indeed suffered it all Himself, and Him most unjustly, for He is the forever innocent Son of God, Angel of the Most High, Messenger of the Almighty, God in flesh.
Do you remember Cleopas and his companion, walking on the road to Emmaus? They were discussing all that had happened when, unrecognized, Jesus came upon them and gave them the message out of the Scriptures that they had at the time, the Old Testament, that, indeed, the Messiah had to suffer through what Jesus went through in order to be the all-righteous deliverer from sin.
It was in the time recounted in the Book of Acts that believers came to be called Christian, the term used meaning “Little Christ”. Yet, this was no attempt to honor, but to mock, for Christ suffered and died on a Roman cross, and these were suffering likewise.
People who claim to be Christian and yet shrink from suffering—indeed, caving in to sin in order to avoid suffering—are calling the lie upon their own claim to Christ. As a matter of fact, it makes little if any difference if someone claims Christ. The real, true, and visceral difference comes when Christ claims someone.
That someone is no longer their own. They are a bondslaveiv to Jesus Christ, the awl of Divine Love having pierced their ear, and the jewelry of the power of God being worn publicly upon their very lives.
God is not a God of love only, but of righteousness and justice and Truth. And into the lives of those around the bondslave to Him He will speak these things.
Those who do not belong to God will react as demons do, spouting hatred and slander and terror in an effort to shout down the Word of Truth.
Are you suffering because of having publicly taken a stand for Christ? Then why do you fret and moan? Do you not remember the treasure?
Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are the mournful, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the hungry and thirsty for righteousness, for they shall be fed. Blessed are the actively compassionate, for they shall see compassion. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall behold God. Blessed are the peaceful, for they shall be called Children of God. Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when reviled, persecuted, and viciously slandered for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for your reward is great in Heaven, for so they persecuted the Prophets who were before you!”v
So, when you suffer slander, and lies, and wickedness, and injustice, and persecutions, and vilifications, and all manner of evil for Christ, where is He? He is right there with you, in the midst!

i Matthew 5:3-12
ii Matthew 5:3,10
iii Matthew 25:31-45
iv Deuteronomy 15:12-18