Saturday, January 10, 2015

To Act and to Muse

Musing upon things can be a most beneficial way of arriving at solutions, but in order for this to be the case you have to be willing to face solutions that you do not like, or the exercise becomes little more than a braying after the wind.
This is a dangerous thing, because even the simple act of having written that foregoing sentence can become an invitation to those who think too highly of their intellectual prowess, for we, also, should not think too highly of our own. There is a danger, you see, of forgetting the dimly lit hallways of our own intellectual past, before we knew the One who is the Way and the Truth and the Life. We did not form our own mental acuity because we did not form our own mental being.
In today’s society there is a most annoying tendency to think that no one should ever receive anything unless they have paid for it. The next time you run into someone who supports that silly notion, ask them this question: “Whom did you pay in order to receive life, and where is your receipt?” We did not form our own mental acuity because we did not form our own mental being. It is not something that we earned; it was freely given.
In the same manner, we should not lord it over those who have been gifted differently than we have, for their gifts will put us to shame. Each of us has been made for a purpose, and that purpose does not include flapping our arms about and crying out “Hey! Look at me!”
Many years ago there was an advertising campaign for a large financial corporation that always concluded with a line about how they got where they were, “We earned it!”
That’s how society wants us all to be, wants every aspect of existence to be, that you work endlessly—for something that will blow away in the wind, like so much chaff from the threshing floor, when your time comes. Fiddlesticks! The world wants to keep you a slave, so it demands that you work and work and work and work… until you cannot work anymore. And then, the system that held riches and glory out before you like an apple held out in front of a reluctant horse, will throw you aside, onto the trash heap of history, never once giving you anything at all like what you were promised—all the happiness, all the joy, all the relaxation of the ultimate carefree life—but leaves you broken and in pain and anguish, and caring nothing at all about the life that has been destroyed by the Satanic deceptions that so ensnare the weak-minded among us.
Am I saying that the world owes you a living? No. But it does owe you the Truth. The problem there, though, is that the world at large wouldn’t know the Truth if it came up and slapped them in the face. There is a quote that I like to use, and you see it every month in the masthead of this newsletter. “When a person has—whether they knew it or not—already rejected the Truth, by what means do they discern a lie?”
You see, my friend, the world at large has already rejected the Truth, and is willingly and wantonly living a lie—and a most profligate one, indeed. The Truth has been openly proclaimed before them for well nigh these 2,000 years. As it is written, “I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life; not even one even turns in the general direction of the Father if not in Me!” He stood before Pilate when the question was uttered, “What is Truth?”
The fact that He stayed silent upon the utterance of that question is a damning thing! There He stood, and, the question asked, said nothing in response. Was He condemning the questioner, or was the questioner condemned already? After all, it is written, “He who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
There is no other fact that matters nearly so much as the identity of the Truth. Muse upon it all you like, the fact remains the same, because the Truth cannot change, but is ever and always the Truth.
Think about it.
Think about it.
If the Truth were able to change, then what is it when it is not the Truth? What was it before it was the Truth and what will it be after?
That which chameliates in order to fit what people think is a deception and a lie. It is designed to deceive and not to enlighten; to darken and enslave and not to free.
If the Truth can chameliate so that it is true one moment and false the next, then upon what do you base the living of your life for the sake of reliability and safety? That traffic signal ahead, is it green or not? The railroad crossing, is the gate opened or closed? What is Truth? Is that big rig, loaded for bear and flying along and bearing down on you, there or not? Is the train imminent to the crossing or not?
What is Truth?
Spare me the idiocy that claims that Truth can change; that it can be one thing for one person while being the direct opposite for another. The Truth does not chameliate!
Disguises do that—not the Truth!
Disguises are there to deceive, not to enlighten. They work to make things appear bigger than they are, or to not be where they are, or even to not be what they are, perhaps in order to shield from observation in a wicked place, but they are there to perpetrate a lie so that the Truth be not known to the observer.
The Truth does not deceive, but simply speaks that which is True.
The Truth does not care whether you like it or not, but simply presents accurately that which is true. The one who would decry the Truth as being painful or uncompassionate is the person who would blame a light bulb for the contents of a closet when they should clean the closet and leave the bulb in peace to do its job.
One of the many Truths of life is that we did not make ourselves, but were made. That which begins to exist has a beginning and was caused to begin. It was caused to begin by something other than itself because, before it existed it did not exist in order to be the cause of itself. It is, therefore, disqualified from causing itself.
This is simple, basic, and ordinary logic, and yet, there are so many who will wail and moan and gnash their teeth at the sound of it because it is not what they want to hear.
Such people are braying after the wind. They are so deceived by the concept that they have rights; that they can earn. Surely, in the economic sense this is possible, but not in the righteous sense, “for there is no one righteous, not even one, no one that understands, no one seeking after God. All have turned aside and become useless; no one does good; there is not even one.”
People will even bray against that. But if their complaint is well founded, what, then, is the source of the saying, “I’m not perfect; I’m only human”?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” This is the light bulb in the closet, and it is on, and you cannot turn it off. But here’s the real problem: you also cannot clean that closet. It is there, unalterably, as a testimony against you.
But God (Oh! How I love that phrase: But God)!
But God, who is the Truth, has provided the Way; a way that you cannot pay for, and that you cannot earn. It is a way that is gifted to you so that you may live the Life that you have not earned, but to which you are called.
It is a calling upon which to act and to muse.